Town Contacts

Town Hall
50 Cemetery Rd.
Warren, CT 06754
Tel: 860-868-7881
Fax: 860-868-7746

 Town Hall Hours

Monday: 9-1 Tuesday: 9-4 Wednesday: 9-4 Thursday: 9-1

Please note, some departments may have limited specific hours within these time frames. If you are looking for a specific department, please check the corresponding page for their hours.

Town Hall Contacts

Bd. of Selectmen: Greg LaCava ext. 102, [email protected] Jack Baker, David Schneiderbeck

Administrative Assistant:  Colleen Frisbie ext. 103, [email protected] ~ Heather Perssonatti, Assistant ext. 116 [email protected]

Town Clerk:   Julie Wechter ext. 101 [email protected]

Tax Collector:  Heather Perssonatti ext. 104 [email protected]

Treasurer: Colleen Frisbie ext. 103 [email protected]

Assessor: Linda Bertaccini ext. 105 [email protected]

Land Use Officer:   Janell Mullen ext. 117, [email protected] Clerk ext. 106

Registrars of Voters: Richard Valine (R), [email protected] ~ John Morton (D) ext. 109 [email protected] Send email

Building Official: Joseph Manley ext. 111 [email protected]

Social Services: Melissa Brown ext. 114 [email protected]

Parks & Recreation: Don Murphy, ext. 113 [email protected]

Land Use Clerical Assistant:  ext. 106

Other Town Contacts

Public Works: 18 Lake Rd 860-868-2291  Josh Tanner, Road Foreman [email protected]

Community Center: 7 Sackett Hill Rd 860-868-7772

Fire Marshall: Tom Osborne  

Animal Control Officer: Cyndy Brissett 860-868-2870

Town Historian: Heather Forstmann, Historical Society phone 860-503-8545, hours Tues 1-4

CT State Police, Troop L-Litchfield: 860-626-7900 or 800-953-9949

Emergency Management Director: John Meeker Jr., Deputies: David Schneiderbeck, Craig Nelson, Jim Schultz 

Additional Town Officials

Town Officials, Boards & Commissions